Monday, December 30, 2019

Questions On Global Studies Spring Final Project

Ryan Ramsdell June 1, 2015 Global Studies 1 GS1 Spring Final Reflection For our Global Studies 1 spring final project we had to think of a thesis that used â€Å"Through my history and English courses, I have learned...† as a starting/expansion point. We were to write journals that responded to different open ended questions about the process of this project and about our experiences in this course. The main part of the project is the product which was a medium of our choice that exhibits a meaningful point of connection for you between history and English this year. My product for this project is a website. It is a multilayered bubble map/mind map that demonstrates, through each English book and history unit, that when you analyze a conflict, large or small, deep down, moral obligation plays a big part in the outcome and the cause. I explored the cause of each conflict and major event in each English book and history unit, and walked the viewer down a path that shows to the root cause, moral obligation. In the history side of my bubble map, I explored and analyzed the different units and conflicts that we went over in history and demonstrated how moral obligation is involved directly or indirectly with the underlying causes of the conflict. For example in World War II, Hitler began his anti semitic regime in January 30, 1933 by slowly separating the people that he felt were not his type. No one made an effort to step in until it was too late. It took until the end of 1942 forShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Aspects of Play1242 Words   |  5 Pagesemail Introduction to World Music Syllabus-Spring 2013 This course is an introduction to music and to the musical mechanics from a global perspective. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Assassination Of Presidents Abraham Lincoln And John F...

Many treasonous acts have plagued American soil in the past, most notably, the assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy. Tragic events such as a loss of a political figure, or leader, emphasize the dark and bloody motives that often stem from greed and lead to poor decision making skills. Oftentimes, similar incidents occur in both literature and Hollywood productions, from Shakespeare’s classic plays to James Bond films, with the antagonist always facing dire consequences, just as in real life. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the evolution of the blood motif highlights Macbeth’s guilty conscience, murderous tendencies, and lust for power, which ultimately lead to his eventual demise. Despite Macbeth s initial reluctance towards killing Duncan, he eventually chooses to execute his beloved king, demonstrating both his lust for hegemony and lack of respect for his superiors. Just before committing the treasonous act of murder, Macbeth stares at the dagger of the mind, and as he does so, thick drops of blood appear on the blade and hilt. Calling out to the knife, he declares, â€Å"I see thee still, / And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, / Which was not so before (2.1.45-47). Macbeth begins to question his sanity since a dagger appears before his eyes and blood suddenly materializes onto the hilt of the dagger but his greed, and slight delusion, suppresses correct judgement and does not stop him from committing regicide. Moreover, Macbeth’s reluctanceShow MoreRelated Comparing Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy Essay1032 Words   |  5 PagesComparing Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy The two most discussed assassinations out of the four within the position of the United States President are that of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. There are many similarities between the two and there are also some differences. There are many similarities associated with the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy. They were both assassinated on the same day, and the men that were caught for the crime were born a century apart from eachRead MoreThe Assassination Of The War And Formation Of Civil Rights1550 Words   |  7 Pages Political Assassination Danielle Ferreira U.S Government Date Introduction Political assassination is defined as the act of killing a political figure mainly for political reasons. In most cases, the motive behind political assassinations is beyond the person who is killed. Assassinations have been rampant across the globe for ages and these assassinations do cause lots of political instabilities in a country especially when key personalities such as heads of states are the victimsRead MoreKameron Harris. Mrs. Thompson. Hist 102-10. 2 May 2017.824 Words   |  4 Pages2017 Conspiracy Behind the Legacy Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were two America’s greatest presidents. Many know Abraham Lincoln as the 16th President of America, face of US currency such as the bronze penny and five-dollar bill, and the President who freed the slaves. JFK was the 35th President of America, household favorite, and the President who saved the world from nuclear destruction. But deep inside the walls of the White House, the two Presidents had other motives for that occurredRead MoreThe Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy1754 Words   |  8 Pagesinvolve the assassinations of previous presidents, vice presidents, senators, civil rights activists and political figures. Assassinations although tragic are inevitable that usually occur due to political reasons or payments and they don’t only affect the lives of their families but the lives of innocent citizens. Three political assassinations that might interest you are the assassinations of President Abraham Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy and his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy consideringRead MoreHistory of Assassinations1037 Words   |  5 Pagesenough to kill a living person. An assassination is the murder of a person by a surprise attack. There has been many political assassinations around the world. Each murder is different, with different motives and conspiracies, but in the end they are just a cruel act of violence directed to someone innocent. The United States does not have more assassinations than other countries; there has been more assassinations in other countries around the world. Assassinations occur because some people are againstRead MoreEssay on Immorality of Assassinating Political Leaders697 Words   |  3 Pagesthought by some, that assassination is the wrong choice to make when it comes to differences in beliefs. There are many reasons why people have different thoughts and actions on controversial subjects. Many people believe that killing is the wrong choice to mak e because it goes against our legal system, and it leads to social and political chaos. Lastly, killing is never justified based on religious beliefs. First, one of the reasons many people believe that assassination is wrong, because it goesRead MoreThe Kennedy Assasination Mysteries Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesThe Kennedy Assasination Mysteries The Kennedy assassination was a huge part of the 1960s. It still is today due to the lack of information. This lack of information has caused the real truth to become hazy. There are numerous books, web sites, and reports that are filled with stories of conspiracy and lies that were supposedly involved in the Kennedy assassination. This is one of those papers. However, this paper is committed to the research of the truth. The truth being that Lee HarveyRead MoreCompare and Contrast Lincoln And Jfk Essay1745 Words   |  7 PagesAbraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky. Much of his childhood was a struggle; his mother dying when he was just ten years old, and with his father being a frontiersman, money was scarce. He had to strive for a comfortable living, and he spent his days working on a farm and keeping a store. Education was also something of limited resources, but because of his hunger for knowledge, he was able to read, write, an d cipher. Lincoln was elected to CongressRead Moreâ€Å"Forgive Your Enemies, But Never Forget Their Names.† –John1302 Words   |  6 Pagestheir names.† –John F Kennedy This quote was said by a man who was once someone that the American people would call the 35th President of the United States. John F. Kennedy was a very young President, as well as a very good looking president. Women would swoon over the idea of John F. Kennedy but also be jealous of his wife that he was married to at the time. John F. Kennedy is well known for his affair with Marilyn Monroe the world’s leading bombshell blonde in the 1960’s. This President is also wellRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1632 Words   |  7 PagesMorgan Oates Professor Holland United States History II 3 March 2015 The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, formally known as JFK, was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He successfully attended Choate Boarding School and his Alma Mater was Harvard University, After completing his education he decided he wanted to help society somehow. As a result of that, he enlisted in the United States Army the night before World War two began. After his Navy days

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Advanced International Trade Free Essays

In any economy where there exists free mobility of labor force across borders ,labor policies are bound to spill over from one country to another thus will have an impact on international trade. Thus international trade is mostly restricted to goods and services more than to factors of production. In such a case then goods and services can serve as substitutes to factors of production by importing goods and services produced by such factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Advanced International Trade or any similar topic only for you Order Now In an open economy, the welfare gains from domestic labor market exports will exceed the share of goods exported. Â  If prices increase for goods the owners of factor of production responsible will benefit in real terms while owners of the other factors will likely push for opposing agendas on controls of mobility of labor across borders. An increase in capital will otherwise benefit both owners of capital and labor. The first impact would be to increase the amount of untrained labor in fish production in home country. An increased unskilled labor is expected to be more than the amount of capital available. Owing to the fixed nature of capital, there is expected decreasing returns to scale. But since the untrained labor is mobile within the industries, they are going to move from one industry to another depending on the wage differentials. The relative price of fish is expected to go down in home country due to the availability of cheap labour.Accordingly; the real wage of the unskilled labor will decrease owing to the powers of demand and supply of labor in the fish industry. The real wages paid to the skilled workers will depend on the output of the economy. As more unskilled labor flow in a country, output will not be affected since it uses more of skilled labor than unskilled labor, what is going to happen is decreasing returns to scale on unskilled labor and this will lead to more costs than benefits hence decrease the real wages of the skilled labor. The production of computer chips will be adversely affected since unskilled labor will flow from fish production to computer chips production. With capital and skilled labor fixed, then the production can be increased only by increasing the amount of capital and skilled labor in the country, thefore country’s output is bound to decrease especially in computer chips production and also to some extend on fish production. How to cite Advanced International Trade, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Brand Communication free essay sample

After the desired brand positioning and brand personality for the retail chain is set, both have to be communicated. The differences between the desired and perceived have to be redirected. Brand Communication should make the positioning and personality visible both inside and outside the store. Communication itself contributes to the total identity of the retail chain. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the advertising, direct marketing communication, store design, visual merchandising and the employees, all communicate the same constant message. Communication at the point of sale can be very influential over whether a purchase will take place or not. Many buying decisions are not made until the consumer is in the store. Consumers expect the store to offer all kinds of sensory experiences. Brand communication can be achieved not only through advertising and other kinds of out of store communications, but also through in-store communication the store design, the visual merchandising and the employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Brand Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These in-store communications bring the brands to life. The Ralph Lauren fashion brand for example communicates the image of an American country house through its stores. They are ornamental, dark amp; rusty and full of natural material. (K. Floor, 2006) With the explosion of the internet, many retailers are incorporating technology into their marketing and are adopting multichannel communication strategy. In the online encounter, the retailers try to communicate with its customers via their website. Retailers should know that the information athered by customers from different channels affect the total brand image about the retailer. Customers use brands as an important tool for organizing information and simplifying their decision making in both cyber and traditional marketplace. A retailers online communication may dilute the brands positive image if the online message fails to synchronize with its offline message to consumers. â€Å"Therefore, a similar reciprocal relationship must exist between offline and online brand images of a r etailer†; WS Kwon, SJ Lennon; 2009.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Gardners Theory free essay sample

Gardners Theory is based on the premise that there are different areas in the brain that drive different functions. People have strengths in different areas and can be strong in multiple areas. Additionally, some functions can require strengths in multiple areas simultaneously in order to succeed with optimal performance. There are seven intelligences in his theory at this time with the potential for an eighth and ninth to be added. Gardner states (2008), human beings, every one of us, possess all intelligences; however, no two individuals possess the same profile of intelligences, not even identical twins. The intelligence which I feel applies most closely to me is intrapersonal intelligence. As defined in our textbook materials: Learning Online and Achieving Lifelong Goals (2010), Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand ones own feelings and motivations. I personally feel that I know myself very well and tend to understand why I make the decisions I do and where the riving force for my life comes from. We will write a custom essay sample on Gardners Theory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I rarely let any outside forces Interfere with my Intent once I have made up my mind as to how I will proceed with any given task or challenge, knowing that I need to follow my motivation and be true to who I am more so than making someone else happy. This causes conflict with Interpersonal Intelligence because at times It can blind me to what other people may be feeling or prevent me from reacting to others even If I may have an Inkling of what their Intentions may be. My Intrapersonal Intelligence far outweighs my Interpersonal Intelligence and ninety-nine percent of the time I will heed my Intrapersonal driving forces over my Interpersonal skills. Even In operating In this manner I feel that my Intrapersonal Intelligence shines through In that I understand my feelings and motivations and allow them to drive my decisions and therefore my actions.

Monday, November 25, 2019

EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides

EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides EXPER IMENT NO 3 Object: To extract Chitin and Chitosan from Prawn shells. Materials: Prawn shells 5gm 4% HCl solution 1% KMnO 4 4% NaOH solution 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 5 0% Sodium Hydroxide 1% Acetic Acid Theory: Introduction: Chitin is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide after cellulose and is present in the crustacean exoskeleton, insects and fungi. The shell fish industry generates a huge amount of shell waste per processing which usua lly cause environmental pollution . It is estimated that the shell-fish industry produces about 60,000-80,000 tons of waste. The disposal of such an enormous amount of waste has become a serious environmental concern Alternatively, this waste can be utilized as an economic source of chitin and its derivative chitosan. Chitosan, the deacetylated chitin derivative, is a more useful and interesting bioactive polymer. Despite its biodegradability, it can be chemically modified to produce derivatives which have varied applications in biomedical field. These derivatives are easy to produce and can be made commercially available easily. Chitin: Chitin is a biodegradable material and undergoes biodegradation by enzymes such as lysozyme and chitinase . Structure: Chitin is essentially a linear homopolysaccharide (long chain polymer) consisting of repeated units of N-acetyl-glucosamine, which is a monosaccharide derivative of glucose. These units form covalent -1,4 linkages. Chitin with the chemical formula (C 8 H 13 O 5 N) n is considered as a complex carbohydrate, whose structure resembles that of cellulose, with one hydroxyl group on each monomer replaced with an acetyl amine group. Uses: As a fertilizer: Chitin-containing fertilizers are organic, non-toxic, and have shown to increase crop productivity. As a food additive: Microcrystalline chitin (MCC) as a food additive can be helpful to enhance taste and flavor . As an emulsifying agent: It essentially acts as an excellent emulsifying agent, which helps to prevent the breaking of emulsion when exposed to other fluids. Medicinal use: chitin in the diet may help to reduce cholesterol absorption efficiency. As a surgical thread: Chitin is also used for manufacturing strong and flexible surgical threads. Quite a few dissolvable stitches used to close wounds are made from chitin. Chitosan: Chitosan, sometimes known as deacetylated chitin, is a natural polycationic linear polysaccharide derived from partial deacetylation of chitin . Structure: Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed -(1-4) linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit). Uses: Agricultural use: Chitosan is used as seed coating and plant growth enhancer. Medicinal use: Chitosan is used to treat obesity , high cholesterol , and Crohn's disease . In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chitosan is used as a filler in tablets; as a carrier in controlled-release drugs; to improve the way certain drugs dissolve; and to mask bitter tastes in solutions taken by mouth . In Chemical Industries: It improves flocculation and is used in filtration process. It is also used as subsidiary material of the colour fixer, patternizer , adhesive and stabilizer in plastic industry. Environmental protection: Chitosan is used as active mud coagulant, adhesive, adsorbent of the heavy metal ion and organic compound. Procedure: Wash and dry the sample. 5gm of shell waste is then Deproteinised in 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide (4gm NaOH in 100ml water) at room temperature for 24 hours. After draining the alkali, for the removal of residual protein from the shell, it was washed with distilled water repeatedly unless the pH drops to neutral . The de - proteinised shell was de -mi neralized by 4% HCl (4ml up to 100ml) at room temperature for 12 hours . The acid was drained off and washed thoroughly with distilled water. The sample is then dried. Soak the dried sample in 1% KMnO 4 ( 1 ml up to 100ml) for 30 minutes followed by 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The cake obtained is chitin. The Chitosan was prepared by deacetylation of chitin by treating with 50% aqueo us sodium hydroxid e at 40 C for 3 days. After deacetylation, the alkali was drained off and washed with distilled water thoroughly until the pH is less than 7.5. Finally, t he chitosan was dried at room temperature

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Integrated Marketing Communications - Assignment Example The ambiguity centered on the definition of IMC has created complexity in assessing the operational efficiency of the process. There are many levels of integration, which produces problems collectively as well as individually. The ideal execution of IMC calls for the sharing of the entire organization. The purpose of marketing communication is to influence the thinking process of the recipient the communication about a brand, a project, a service etc. This called the conceptualization ion of the idea. The next step is the relationship building. The recipient of the communication and the brand should establish an emotional connection. This activity takes place at the subliminal level. Marketing communication should establish a relationship of trust with the entire clientele, which is comprised of the every day functional user of a product in the wider society as well as the user of a product in a chosen niche of the community. This trust of the recipient would be expressed in sales inquiry or attempt to switch to the new brand. This is the activation of behavioral change in visible forms. Once the activation is discernable, it is to be supported by immediate help by the quick operation of the service sector of the brand in the form of further information by some form of contact. Th is is followed by a product experience, which makes the initial trust with the communicator and the recipient of communication a concrete reality. All of the above dimensions have to be performed in a coordinated manner. An integrated marketing communications program guarantees that every chance to send a message to a customer functions efficiently and smartly. Many needs of the enterprise like increasing membership, ensuring member retention, or increasing non-dues revenue, entry into an impenetrable market etc is achieved by stretching and straining all the sinews and muscles of the enterprise. This can be also called persuasive communication. Chris Fill has observed the complexities that communication involves.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Observational Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Observational Studies - Essay Example Even research that would seem, from a contemporary perspective, to be ideally suited as an observational study, like the characterization done in the 1920's by Arnold Gesell of the normal course of human development in the first 6 years of life, was carried out in a laboratory setting and followed stringent rules (Naturalistic results, 2004). An observational study (also called an epidemiological or population study), therefore is a research method that looks at large populations with an aim to find trends. It is usually retrospective that is, it examines what has happened in the past. For example, participants may fill out surveys or questionnaires on what they recall about particular behaviors, such as what foods they ate or what nutritional supplements they took in past years. Researchers simply look at what is already going on. Such research methods are often used to find connections between what people eat and the development of different diseases (Observational study, 2006). Observational studies include several observation methods such as: naturalistic observation, analog observation, self observation, and narrative observation. Naturalistic observation occurs when a researcher does observations in a naturally occurring situation, without having to get involved. In using the naturalistic observations method, the researcher makes no effort to control or change the situation. The research task is simply to make a comprehensive record of the proceedings that occur and of visible relationships between events. The main challenge in conducting naturalistic observation is to arrange the data collection so that the observer has a clear view of what occurs, but is not so prominent or noticeable that they become an object of interest or concern to participants (Naturalistic observation, n.d.). Examples of naturalistic observations without intervention include the early work of Jane Goodall on chimpanzees and of Dian Fossey on mountain gorillas as well as Timothy Perper's studies of flirting behavior in bars. Examples of naturalistic observation with intervention include participant observation studies in which a rese archer becomes part of a group in order to describe what members of the group do (Naturalistic research, 2004). Analogue observations Analogue observation involves the measurement of a client's obvious behavior in an artificial setting that is analogous to settings that the client is expected to encounter in his natural surroundings. The goal of analogue behavioral observation is to derive reliable estimates of the client's behavior in a current or future natural environment. The disadvantage of Analogue behavioral observation is that its instruments are often developed with insufficient attention to their psychometric properties, especially content weight. Although analogue behavioral observation instruments can be susceptible to change, their validity can corrode as time passes and is affected by various sources of discrepancy. However, analogue behavioral observation assessment is especially useful in detecting significant functional relations in clinical assessment (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved;

Monday, November 18, 2019

HR Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HR Management - Essay Example Even though man material and machine are some of the essential resources needed for an organization, mobilization or effective utilization of these resources is possible only with the help of the human resources. Cross cultural business or international business is growing day by day because of the huge popularity of the globalization, liberalization and privatization policies. All the countries realized the importance of foreign direct investments in their economic growth. Many of the big organizations which faced saturation in their home country are currently trying to exploit the opportunities in international market and as a result of that international business is growing rapidly today. The growth of international business brought many new challenges to organizations and the communication problem is one among them. Human resource management department is responsible for formulating necessary strategies needed to avoid communication problems in international business. Culture and communication plays a vital role in international business and hence the training given to an employee/ manager before an overseas assignment must target cultural and communicational differences between the native country of the employee and the target country. When organizations move into foreign markets they must adapt to communication, culture and human resource issues. Domestic business and international businesses have more differences than similarities. It is easy to start a business in the home country whereas it is difficult to establish a business in a foreign country because of the difficulties in communicating with different stakeholders in the foreign country. This paper briefly analyses different communication problems faced by companies while engage in international business and the HRM strategies needed to overcome it. Before the establishment of business in another country, the entrepreneur must know some basic facts about the target country. The political, social, cultural, legal and economical aspects of the target country could be entirely different from that of his home country. For example, suppose an American company is trying to establish a business unit in China. China is a communist country whereas America is a democratic country. English is the official language of America whereas that of China is Mandarin. The Chinese economy is developing at a much faster rate than that of America. Human rights and freedom of expression are less valued topics in China whereas these things are extremely important in America. There are many other areas in which America and China vary drastically and the HRM strategies should account for all these differences before establishing a business unit in China. David A Victor (2009) has proposed his famous LESCANT model for knowing more about the communication issues in international business. According to him Language, Environment, Social organizations, Contexting, Authority, Nonverbal communication means, Time concepts etc of different countries are different (Victor) In America, English is the official language whereas in China, it is Mandarin. The importance of language in the communication process cannot be neglected while formulating HRM strategies in international context. If communication is the body of an organization, then language is the blood of it. In an organizational set up, communication can take place between the organization and the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Exploring The Practice Of Supervision

Exploring The Practice Of Supervision Supervision is the practice where a counsellor can talk to a professional who is trained to identify any psychological or behavioural changes in the counsellor that could be due to an inability to cope with issues presented by clients. A supervisor is also responsible for challenging practices and procedures, developing improved or different techniques, and informing clients of alternative theories and/or new practices, as well as industry changes. The supportive and educative process of supervision is aimed toward assisting supervisees in the application of counselling theory and techniques to client problems (Bernard Goodyear, 2009). Supervision is a usually a regular, formal arrangement for counsellors to discuss their work with someone who is experienced in counselling and supervision. The task is to work together to ensure and develop the efficiency of the counsellor/client relationship, maintain adequate standards of counselling and a method of consultancy to widen the horizons of an experienced practitioner (ACA, 2009). Aim of Supervision Generally, supervision has two primary goals: to monitor client care and ensure clients are receiving appropriate therapeutic counselling, and to enhance professional functioning (Bernard Goodyear, 2009). Supervision provides benefits for counsellors such as support, an opportunity to discover new ideas and strategies, as well as personal and professional development. Another benefit in addition to counsellor support and development is learning across the professional lifespan of counsellors life long learning (Borders Usher, 1992). The intention of supervision is to provide a means of support, and ongoing learning and professional development for counsellors who frequently work with difficult and stressful cases. This serves to prevent excess stress and burnout (Haynes, Corey, Moulton, 2003). The educational and encouraging role of the supervisor focuses on creating a secure setting where the supervisee can reflect on their work, get feedback, direction, reassess their capabilities and gain greater understanding about their work, clients and themselves with the aim of protecting the client and offering best possible counselling practices (Powell, 1993). In order to promote counsellor development supervision needs to take place in a safe and appropriate environment. To achieve this, as in a counselling session, empathy, openness, and positive regard are essential (Egan, 2007). Both parties must also trust in the integrity and honesty of the other. An ethical framework is necessary to promote this trust, and there should be an appreciation of the importance of the supervision process, which reduces the pressure on the counsellor to produce an outcome at the cost of the process and the working relationship. The ethical principals of counselling are intended as a guide and framework for the responsibilities of counsellors: showing consideration for the trust of participants, respecting their independence, committing to the promotion of the well-being of all participants and at a minium, to do no harm, to respect each individual and treat everyone justly and without bias, and seeking professional development (Egan, 2007). The obligation to work ethically will improve provision and the reception of services, and allow opportunities for development for both parties to take place. The supervisor has a responsibility to ensure that confidentiality is maintained, and any information obtained in a clinical or consulting relationship is discussed only for professional purposes and only with persons clearly concerned with the case (ACA, 2009). Different ways of evaluating the supervisory process can be important both for the supervisor and the supervisee. Establishing a contract for the supervisory relationship makes evaluation easier. The contract should include the students developmental needs, the supervisors competencies, and supervisory goals and methods (Stoltenberg Delworth, 1987). Ground rules set up at the start are important to clarify the expectations of the supervisor as well as the supervisee, and that the responsibility for success of the process rests with both parties. As part of the contract it is important to discuss what can and cant stay confidential. Throughout the supervision process, the supervisor is responsible for evaluating the quality of the supervisory relationship (Powell, 1993). Occasionally things happen between a supervisor and supervisee that has nothing to do with the individuals themselves, but with what and who the person reminds them of. Feelings can be transferred from other associations onto the supervisor. Also the feelings a supervisor may experiences towards a supervisee can be linked to experiences and associations in the past. In order to ensure the safety of both parties the practitioners must subscribe to a set code of practice and ethics (Powell, 1993). Personal Experience My personal experience of supervision has for the most part been very general, discussing casework and looking for feedback, ideas and strategies, and wide-ranging discussions concerning my personal experiences. My practicum has involved spending three hours a week at a local mens hostel, with some time set aside for discussion, coffee, and exchange of ideas. This time has been most helpful in dealing with feelings of frustration that arise, that can be very challenging for me and could present difficulties if not addressed. The assistance can come in the form of a reminder that it is not really about me, that change cannot be forced from the outside, or just a comment that things move slowly, and a positive outcome may take years. Unfortunately, there are few unique cases at the hostel, even if these cases are challenging and complex. Many of the individuals in residence present with dual diagnosis, and are well known to staff. There are no quick fixes or easy solutions, and staff cannot indulge in irritation or frustration over lack of resolutions. Sometimes, there will be no resolution or positive outcome. One resident was feeling very positive and looking forward to work one week, but was unable to return in subsequent weeks due to drug and alcohol use. I still that he will be able to return at a later date. It is also very distressing to see such young people with permanent impairment from drug and alcohol use, and realise that no amount of counselling or medical treatment will be able to provide them with a standard type of existence. Supervision can be used as a place to debrief, to share experiences, and brainstorm alternatives. It can be very reassuring to have someone to fall back on, and gain support from, in challenging or complex situations. I find it very useful to be able to talk things through, and then come to an individual understanding and acceptance of any given situation. Seeking a second opinion, background information on a resident and discussing approaches seems to make up most of supervision time, and some other functions of supervision have also happened more informally, over a cup of coffee in the staff room, particularly in relation to future employment. Unsurprisingly, as graduation draws nearer, it is also the career development aspect of supervision that has taken up a great deal of my thoughts where to go next, what sort of work would I best be suited to, what type of educational opportunities do I see coming up. This has for me been very valuable, as I can seek advice and tips from people in the field, and get a genuine appreciation for what it means to work in this field. Overall, I think it is generally expected, and helpful, for those who receive supervision to do some preparation before starting supervision, and to build up an awareness of what the supervision is to achieve. Not to consider it an obligation but as an opportunity to develop as a more effective counsellor Reviewing and reflecting on casework is a good way to think through what has happened in the past week, and where it will take us. Preparation can also help with bringing concerns and questions to ask supervisor, with seeking confirmation and clarification, and start the thought processes about what I need from the supervisor. Evaluation Fundamental to developmental models of supervision is the theory that as people and counsellors we are continuously growing and maturing; like all people we develop over time, and this development and is a process with stages or phases that are predictable. In general, developmental models of supervision define progressive stages of supervisee development from novice to expert, each stage consisting of discrete characteristics and skills (Bradley Ladany, 2000). Stoltenberg and Delworth (1987) depict a developmental model with three levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced. In each level a counsellor may begin in an imitative way and move toward a more competent, self-assured and self-reliant state for each level. Beginning supervisees would find themselves relatively dependent on the supervisor to understand or explain client behaviours and mind-sets and establish plans for intervention. Intermediate supervisees would depend on supervisors for an understanding of more complex clients, but would be irritated at suggestions about more simple cases. Resistance is characteristic of this stage, because the supervisees sense of self cab feel easily threatened. Advanced supervisees function independently, seek consultation when appropriate, and feel responsible for their own choices. For example, at my current beginner stage, I am expected to have limited skills and lack confidence as a counsellor, as I am only starting out as a trainee. With more time on the job, I should develop more skills and confidence, and perhaps conflicting feelings about perceived independence/dependence on my supervisor. In a later developmental stage, I would be expected to show high level communication abilities, good problem-solving skills and be reflective about the counselling and supervisory process (Haynes, Corey, Moulton, 2003). An awareness of these development stages can be very comforting, as I am not expected to be perfect on the first day on the job, or know everything about the field immediately. Rather, the expectation is that I have a capacity to learn, grow and improve, and each day be a little bit better. Supervision and professional development is important as it assists in the maintenance and improvement of my standard of practice. It can incorporate self directed and assisted learning, on the job training and coaching, include education through case discussions and presentations, and learning from our successes and mistakes (Powell, 1993). It is very encouraging to know that supervision can be something in addition to just making things clearer or providing a fresh approach to casework. Something more than focus and insight from a third party, or a sign that I am on the right track, or the opportunity to vent my frustrations concerning clients. In counselling, it has been put forward that supervision be entrenched into a broader discussion of lifelong learning, where supervision is viewed as one of a range of support and learning tools that counsellors may be encouraged to access (McMahon and Patton, 20002). Lifelong learning is being seen as essential for everyone, and, just as supervision in focused on preventing burn out and promoting personal development, lifelong learning is also primarily focused on sustaining longevity and endurance within working life (Holmes, 2002). Learning is the process of individuals constructing and transforming experience into knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions (Holmes, 2002), all of which are also sought after outcomes of supervision, and of practical use in counselling. Supervision encourages counsellors to reflect on their knowledge, skills, values and beliefs in order to bring to supervision an account of their experience, and through supervision transform it in such a way that it is significant and substantial, and able to be transferred into their work and personal learning (McMahon and Patton, 20002). Assisting and promoting the supervisees learning and professional development is primarily a matter of providing appropriate teaching and learning environments (Stoltenberg Delworth, 1987) and may involve the supervisor in providing students with opportunities to reflect on their values and to examine the influence of such values in the counsellors work with clients. The aim is to take full advantage of and recognise growth needed for the future, continuously identifying new areas of growth in a life-long learning process (McMahon and Patton, 20002). Conclusion Administrative supervision is something I am very familiar with after working in the public service for a dozen years. More often as peer supervision due to availability of personnel and cost, but also group and one-on-one supervision applied to different kinds of tasks. It was an activity that I found very helpful for my work, as it allowed me to be more efficient, effective, provide a more professional output, and to promote information sharing concerning best practice, improvements and innovations. This kind of supervision was strictly impersonal, and all about work. Unfortunately, there was little attention paid to the workers, and their well being, growth and development. Counselling supervision, on the other hand, has an extra dimension that is not considered when dealing with purely administrative matters. It takes a more holistic view of helping others, and acknowledges that we cannot help others unless we also help ourselves. Counselling supervision acknowledges that the counsellor is a part of the dialogue, and cannot be removed from the equation, and so takes steps to limit harm for all parties, to ensure that prejudices or preconceptions of the counsellor do not impact on any therapeutic relationship. Counselling supervision takes it that extra step to look at supporting the counsellor in their work, and in their development. Egan focuses very well on this when he looks at a certain level of self-knowledge, self-awareness and maturity as an essential requirement to being an effective counsellor (Egan, 2007). Supervision provides a space where counsellors can acknowledge and challenge any blind spots, overcome biases and become better counsellors. An appropriate supervisory relationship can help broaden therapeutic skills. It can be used to develop interventions and provide insights for assessments. Supervision can be used to focus on relational issues in order to cultivate patient/client resources, and to build up and support a counsellors own therapeutic influence. Supervision should enable counsellors to acquire new professional and personal insights through their own experiences.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Transformation of a King Essay -- Literary Analysis

Debatable is the story of Prince Hal and how he undergoes a transformation so infinite we may have difficulty comprehending the struggles he endured. Throughout the course of events in Henry IV, Part I, By William Shakespeare, first impressions of the characters are depicted and remain strong during most of the play. From the beginning of the play it is understood that Hal is an immature extrovert who sees no need for careful behaviors. Unlike his father, King Henry IV, Hal puts forth insufficient effort to prove he can hold the power that will eventually be his when he succeeds his father in the throne. Throughout the play there is controversy between the King and Hal as a direct result of Hal’s performance as a Prince. From gallivanting in the tavern, to fighting in the battle of Shrewsbury, Hal becomes the son that King Henry has been pressuring him to be all along. The father/son relationship is a significant theme in this play, alongside Prince Hal’s other relationships with important male figures such as Hotspur and Falstaff. Falstaff is one of the favorites of this play, rather obvious that he is the brunt of a multitude of jokes; somehow maintains certain poise. On the other hand, we have Hotspur, a talented and brave young man the King wishes were his son: â€Å"That some night-tripping fairy had exchanged/ In cradle-clothes our children where they lay/ And called mine â€Å"Percy,† his â€Å"Plantagenet†!/ Then would I have his Harry, and he mine† (1.1.86-89). Both Hotspur and Hal are the intended future leaders of their country, but Hal doesn’t seem to understand his role in its entirety (at least his actions haven’t proven his maturity to the likes of King Henry IV). The King would prefer Hal act in a more appropriate manner when... ... moves forward and leaves the hopeless bodies to their assumed decomposition, he feels confident in himself for his accomplishments. Knowing that his father will speak about his honor and courage with respect and immense gratitude, he couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome of his fighting. Works Cited Kastan, David Scott. Introduction. King Henry IV, Part I. London: Arden, 2002. 44-51. Print. Kastan, David Scott. "The King Hath Many Marching in His Coat." 1 Henry IV. By William Shakespeare. Ed. Gordon McMullan. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2003. 330-346. Print. Reno, Raymond H. â€Å"Hotspur: The Integration of Character and Theme.† Henry the Fourth, Part I, by William Shakespeare. Ed. James L. Sanderson. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1969. 235-244. Print. Shakespeare, William. 1 Henry IV. Ed. Gordon McMullan. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2003. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Odysseus: The Qualities of a Hero Essay

â€Å"The Odyssey† by Homer is one of the most recognized epics in world literature. It traces the decade-long journey of Odysseus back to Ithaca after he fought in the Trojan War. He was able to survive the dangerous ten-year voyage which he experienced and safely arrive home. Indeed, Odysseus is a truly admirable character, but what what makes him especially laudable is his physical strength, courage, and cunning. One admirable quality which Odysseus possesses is his physical strength. Like all Homeric heroes, Odysseus has remarkable physical strength. In Book 18, he displays such strength even under the disguise of a poor man. Another beggar named Arnaeus, also called Irus, insults Odysseus. Arnaeus challenges Odysseus to a fight and mocks him that he would be easily defeated because he is much older than his opponent. Odysseus truly proves him wrong. Homer writes, â€Å"Odysseus smote him on the neck beneath the ear and crushed in the bones, and straightway the red blood ran forth from his mouth† (18. 95). This is proof of Odysseus’ strength; he was able to defeat a man who was younger than him. While it is true that the goddess Athena did strengthen Odysseus for the fight, he was already physically strong to begin with. Another example of Odysseus’ physical strength can be found in Book 21. In this book, Penelope tells her suitors that she would finally choose the man who could string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow with it as her husband; this arrow should pass through each of 12 axes (21. 74-80). None of the suitors succeed in Penelope’s given task. Odysseus then offers to string the bow which enrages the suitors because they are terrified he might succeed. Later on, he does justify the fears of his foes. According to Homer, â€Å"even as when a man well-skilled in the lyre and in song easily stretches the string about a new peg, making fast at either end the twisted sheep-gut–so without effort did Odysseus string the great bow† (21. 405-410). Thus, once again, Odysseus proves his physical strength. Another distinguishing quality which makes Odysseus admirable is his courage. In Book 10, a goddess places Odysseus’ men in a humiliating situation. Circe drugs Odysseus’ men and with her wand, she transforms them into pigs and places them in pigsties (10. 235-240). Eurylochus, who was spared from Circe’s magic because he did not enter her home, immediately goes to Odysseus to tell him what happened to his men. Without hesitation, Odysseus takes his sword and bow to confront the goddess. Eurylochus has become terrified by Circe’s power that he refuses to come with Odysseus (10. 265-270). This circumstance is a testament to how courageous Odysseus is. While he was aware of the danger which he was about to confront, he proceeded to face the challenge without fear. Unlike Eurylochus, Odysseus dared to challenge Circe to save his men. In Book 12, Odysseus also reveals his courage. Circe warns him about two dangers he would encounter in his trip: Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus asks the goddess, â€Å"tell me this thing truly, if in any wise I might escape from fell Charybids, and ward off that other, when she works harm to my comrades? † (12. 111). Circe answers him, â€Å"Rash man, lo, now again thy heart is set on the deeds of war and on toil† (12. 116). The inquiry of Odysseus exposes his courage, for he welcomes a fight between him and two enemies at one time. In addition, he disobeyed Circe’s orders when he wore his armor as his ship approached Scylla. This shows that he was courageous enough to have the intention of fighting the monster. The most admirable quality of Odysseus is his cunning. He proves to be an individual who skillfully uses trickery and deception to further his own ends. Throughout the epic, Odysseus demonstrates his cunning in multiple occasions. In Book 4, both Menelaus and Helen narrate to Telemachus how cunning his father is. According to Helen, Odysseus is sly enough to consider dressing up as a beggar to enter enemy territory. In an effort to enter Troy without being noticed, he clothes himself in rags and appears to have cuts and bruises. In such disguise, Odysseus deceives the Trojans and successfully enters the city unnoticed (4. 244-245). Menelaus adds that it was also Odysseus who prevented them from leaving the wooden horse when they were obviously being tricked to reveal themselves (4. 284). In these scenarios, Odysseus was able to contribute to the war effort of the Achaeans through his cunning. However, the most notable example of Odysseus’ cunning is found in Book 9. Odysseus and his men arrive in the land of Cyclops where the son of Poseidon named Polyphemus resides. They slaughter the goats in his land and consume the cheese from his cave. This angers Polyphemus, and he takes them as prisoners inside his cave. Odysseus then devises a clever plan to defeat the creature. First, he makes the monster drunk from the wine he brought from his ships. As Odysseus pours the wine, Polyphemus asks his name. When Odysseus was sure that Polyphemus was drunk, he responds: â€Å"Noman is my name† (9. 366). Polyphemus falls as a result of inebriation; Odysseus and his men immediately take a hot wooden staff in the eye of the monster. Polyphemus screams in pain, getting the attention of the other Cyclops. When they asked Polyphemus what was happening, he replies: â€Å"It is Noman is slaying me† (9. 407). The false name Odysseus gave Polyphemus allows him and his men to escape the monster’s lair without being properly identified as the attacker. This incident is the best proof of how cunning Odysseus is. The protagonist of Homer’s â€Å"The Odyssey† is indeed an admirable character. With his physical strength, courage, and cunning, Odysseus has proven himself a true hero after he overcame all the obstacles in his journey. These three qualities make Odysseus a character which readers can look up to. Work Cited Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey. † Perseus Digital Library. Trans. Samuel Butler. 16 June 2009 .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chromosome Function and Mutation

Chromosome Function and Mutation A chromosome is a long, stringy aggregate of genes that carries heredity information and is formed from condensed chromatin. Chromatin is composed of DNA and proteins that are tightly packed together to form  chromatin fibers. Condensed chromatin fibers form chromosomes. Chromosomes are located within the nucleus of our cells. They are paired together (one from the mother and one from the father) and are known as homologous chromosomes. During cell division, chromosomes are replicated and distributed equally among each new daughter cell. Key Takeaways: Chromosomes Chromosomes are composed of DNA and proteins packed tightly to form long chromatin fibers. Chromosomes house genes responsible for the inheritance of traits and guidance of life processes.Chromosome structure consists of a long arm region and a short arm region connected at a central region known as a centromere. The ends of a chromosome are called telomeres.Duplicated or replicated chromosomes have the familiar X-shape and are composed of identical sister chromatids.During cell division, sister chromatids separate and are incorporated into new daughter cells.Chromosomes contain the genetic codes for protein production. Proteins regulate vital cellular processes and provide structural support for cells and tissues.Chromosome mutations result in changes in chromosome structure or changes in cellular chromosome numbers. Mutations most often have harmful consequences. Chromosome Structure A telomere is a region of the DNA sequence at the end of a chromosome. Their function is to protect the ends of the chromosome from degradation. Here they are visible as highlights at the tips of the chromosomes. Credit: Science Picture Co/Subjects/Getty Images A non-duplicated chromosome is single-stranded and consists of a centromere region that connects two arm regions. The short arm region is called the p arm and the long arm region is called the ​q arm. The end region of a chromosome is called a telomere. Telomeres consist of repeating non-coding DNA  sequences that get shorter as a cell divides. Chromosome Duplication Chromosome duplication occurs prior to the division processes of mitosis and meiosis. DNA replication processes allow correct chromosome numbers to be preserved after the original cell divides. A duplicated chromosome is comprised of two identical chromosomes called sister chromatids that are connected at the centromere region. Sister chromatids remain together until the end of the division process where they are separated by spindle fibers and enclosed within separate cells. Once the paired chromatids separate from one another, each is known as a daughter chromosome. Chromosomes and Cell Division Chromosomes are threadlike structures composed of DNA and proteins. During cell division, chromosomes consist of two arms, or chromatids, which are joined by a centromere. Joined chromatids are called sister chromatids. Credit: Adrian T Sumner/The Image Bank/Getty Images One of the most important elements of successful cell division is the correct distribution of chromosomes. In mitosis, this means that chromosomes must be distributed between two daughter cells. In meiosis, chromosomes must be distributed among four daughter cells. The cells spindle apparatus is responsible for moving chromosomes during cell division. This type of cell movement is due to interactions between spindle microtubules and motor proteins, which work together to manipulate and separate chromosomes. It is vitally important that a correct number of chromosomes be preserved in dividing cells. Errors that occur during cell division may result in individuals with unbalanced chromosome numbers. Their cells may have either too many or not enough chromosomes. This type of occurrence is known as aneuploidy and may happen in autosomal chromosomes during mitosis or in sex chromosomes during meiosis. Anomalies in chromosome numbers can result in birth defects, developmental disabilities, and death. Chromosomes and Protein Production DNA is transcribed and translated to produce proteins. Reverse transcription converts RNA to DNA. ttsz/iStock/Getty Images Plus   Protein production is a vital cell process that is dependent upon chromosomes and DNA. Proteins are important molecules that are necessary for almost all cell functions. Chromosomal DNA contains segments called genes that code for proteins. During protein production, the DNA unwinds and its coding segments are transcribed into an RNA transcript. This copy of the DNA message is exported from the nucleus and then translated to form a protein. Ribosomes and another RNA molecule, called transfer RNA, work together to bind to the RNA transcript and convert the coded message into a protein. Chromosome Mutation Genetic Mutation. BlackJack3D/E/Getty Images Chromosome mutations are changes that occur in chromosomes and are typically the result of either errors that happen during meiosis or by exposure to mutagens such as chemicals or radiation. Chromosome breakage and duplications can cause several types of chromosome structural changes that are typically harmful to the individual. These types of mutations result in chromosomes with extra genes, not enough genes, or genes that are in the wrong sequence. Mutations can also produce cells that have abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Abnormal chromosome numbers typically occur as a result of nondisjunction or the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock essays

Alfred Hitchcock essays Alfred Hitchcock was born in London, England on April 13, 1899. He was the son of an East End Grocer named William and mother Emma. His father died when he was fourteen and he was raised Catholic attending a Jesuit run school for scholastic upbringing. In 1915, he secured his first job as an estimator for a telegraph and cable company. Then, in 1920 he earned his opening job within the movie industry as a title designer in a London studio. Subsequently, he worked as an assistant director, writer, and art director, until Hitchcock was offered an opportunity to direct his first film, The Pleasure Garden. His work continued over the next fifty years, influencing both film and the direction of cinematography throughout his career (Alfred Hitchcock - Filmography Hitchcock movies were always created in a thorough manner often using storyboards with mock ups of each scene before filming. In his early career, Hitchcock directed nine silent films including The Lodger where he introduced his first cameo appearance in a movie, later becoming a trademark of Hitchcock films. He would always make his appearance in the beginning of the film so as not to deviate his viewers attention from the plotline. Another of Hitchcocks preferences in films were blonde female stars, always seeking the icy look, he stated that the audience would have greater sexual interest in the character. Two of his favorite female stars were; Ingrid Bergman and Grace Kelly (Personality, Pathology, and the Act of Creation: The Case of Alfred Hitchcock). Hitchcock also often used bathrooms as a device for murders, hiding places, or lovemaking scenes. He frequently used the letters BM in his movies (Alfred Hitchcock - Filmography ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Medication Daivonex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Medication Daivonex - Essay Example Daivonex is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Children 6-12 years of age cannot be given more than 50g a week of the medication, and for children over 12 years of age, no more than 75g a week of the medication may be given to them. This medicine should also not be used in patients who have the allergy to calcipotriol or to any other components of the medication. Patients with disorders of calcium metabolism should not use this product. Those with severe widespread psoriasis cannot be given this medication. Patients with high blood calcium levels or who are taking calcium and/or Vitamin D supplements cannot take this medication. For breastfeeding women, this medication should not be applied to their breasts. Proper consultation with the doctor should be done before this medication is to be prescribed and used on children (Medsafe Consumer Information, 2004). In adults, not more than 100 grams of cream or ointment should be used in a week and not more than 60ml of scalp solution can be used in a week. In cases where there is a need to use the combination of the preparations for psoriasis, not more than 60ml of the solution plus one 30 gram of the ointment or cream tubes may be used in a week or the limit is 30 ml of the solution and two 30g tubes of Daivonex. The medicine must be applied on the psoriasis plaques forming the visible coating over the affected area. Accidental application of the medicine on the normal skin must be washed with water because it can cause irritation in the unaffected area. It must not be applied on skin folds, on the face, and on the genitalia (Medsafe Consumer Information, 2004). The recommended dosages are set in place because more than 100g weekly of Daivonex can cause elevated serum calcium. The use of scalp and cream solutions in children has yet to be fully established; hence ointment is the preferred formulation of the medication in children.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Vince Foster was Murdered Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Vince Foster was Murdered - Research Paper Example This paper explores the controversy of Foster’s death, of whether he was murdered or not. It also examines the investigations done by several institutions in deciphering the truth of Foster’s death. On Murder Burnett gives two major scenarios on the death of Foster: (1) murder sponsored by the Clintons; and (2) murder committed by a foreign secret service spy. First, the Clintons had ordered the killing, in a clandestine fashion, of Foster for the reason of stopping him to reveal â€Å"damaging information he held with respect to the Clintons† (Burnett 162). Before his death, it must be noted that the victim (i.e., Foster) was a deputy officer to the White House counsel under Bill Clinton’s administration. That is to say, the victim had direct and immediate accessed to the data or information pertaining to the activities of the Clintons -- activities that were associated to Travelgate and other alleged scandals. Moreover, the U.S. Congress had invited Fost er to testify concerning the scandals connected to the president in question. Thence, the Clintons deemed it fitting to murder Foster. Second, a foreign secret service murdered the said victim for the reason that Foster was â€Å"some kind of super-spy† (Burnett 162). ... Hamilton inquires concerning the motive of the Clintons as to why they had removed files, shortly after Foster’s death, from the â€Å"dead man’s office† (150). Such move -- what Glad calls the â€Å"handling of papers† (861) -- by the Clintons had generated many and various speculations about the death of Foster. It seemed that the powers-that-be had attempted to cover -- Grossman and Yalof have questioned the covering up made by the Clintons concerning Foster’s alleged suicide -- several data or information under the possession of their deputy officer in order to escape court trial and punishment. Further, Ruddy had raised three major â€Å"evidences† that showed the inconsistency and incompleteness of the findings based from official investigations pertaining to Foster’s death (qtd. in Moldea 158): First, there was no gunfire heard at the park during the time-period of the victim’s death. People or â€Å"witnesses† who were present in Fort Marcy Park were unable to hear any gunshot at the time of Foster’s alleged suicide. Second, the victim’s family had failed to identify the gun which was found in Foster’s hand. Upon seeing the gun in question, the victim’s wife was unable to determine whether or not the said weapon was Foster’s. Third, the official investigation did not consider â€Å"Foster’s time from 1 PM† up to the time that his body was found. Such official investigation seemed only to account the limited â€Å"time† from the period of Foster’s death. On Suicide Greenberg notes that there were five investigations done extensively from 1993 until 1997 which center on probing the death of Foster. In contrast to Robert Fiske’s, the investigation or probe headed by Kenneth Starr was

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ethics case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics case - Essay Example Tarek should also consider the fact that Hind has taken measures to improve the quality of pizza and that blind taste tests have rendered Holiday Inn made pizza to be at least of the same quality as the quality of pizzas made by two major pizza delivery competitors in Amman. Another fact that needs to be considered is that the strategy of installing a pizza oven in the kitchen in the past did bring modest improvement in the room service business, and the only step that could be taken after considering the departing guests’ responses was to improve the quality, which when tried did not improve the business. These facts strongly justify the establishment of a separate pizza-making facility with a separate identity. However, Hind’s proposal that this should be kept a secret is subject to critical analysis. The ethical issues in the case are hidden truth about the identity of Napoli Pizza. Clients are being made to believe that it is a separate pizza-making facility that apparently has no connection with Holiday Inn. This is evident from the fact that separate Napoli Pizza brochures and special Napoli Pizza boxes are being requested for each guest room in addition to Napoli Pizza hats and jackets for the room service personnel that would be assigned the task of delivering the pizzas to the clients. The fact that their prefix would be other than that of Holiday Inn speaks of Hind’s attempt to hide the pizza’s connection with Holiday Inn. For a restaurant to maintain its high reputation, brand image, and customer loyalty, it is imperative that it stays honest with the clients and does the business in a transparent way. A potential risk in the proposal is that Holiday Inn’s image might be jeopardized in the clients’ eyes if they find out the truth and there are possibilities for this; firstly, the phone calls made at the number mentioned on the Napoli Pizza brochures will be attended at

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge Essay Example for Free

Arthur Millers A View From the Bridge Essay Masculinity is a prevalent theme in Arthur Millers A View From The Bridge. The four leading male characters in the play; Eddie, Rodolpho, Marco and Alfieri; each play different roles and different types of men. Miller has represented men and masculinity in an unforgiving light in the play. It appears that it is men that confuse and create problems in the characters lives. Each characters actions are effected by the conflicting forces of determinism, where every event and situation is the inevitable result of its preceding states of affairs; and freewill. It could be said that the male characters in A View From The Bridge are not acting, but being acted upon. The main character in A View From The Bridge is Eddie. He is forty years of age, slightly overweight and is described as husky. The huskiness used in the description refers to both Eddies roughness and his strong, burly build. His age suggests experience, another masculine quality. Eddies appearance reflects his attitude, strong and intimidating. In trying to prove his masculinity, Eddie is the focus of many conversations, as he feels that he must dominate the conversation. Eddies speech is very direct, with blunt wording. He constantly uses contractions and drops the last letter off words, such as in the phrase I didnt say nothin'. Eddies language is not sophisticated in any sense. This is because Eddie spent his time working instead of getting a proper education. Eddie also comes from a working class family, which would mean that his education is limited. The conglomeration of these factors conveys Eddie to be even more masculine. It is very clear that Miller has constructed Eddie to represent the epitome of masculinity; however the character has a propensity to be acted upon rather than acted. Although Eddie is portrayed as a very masculine character, the turmoil in his mind is evident to the reader. Within himself he is trying to control his feelings, or act. Instead, it appears that the happenings around him control Eddies actions. When Eddie allows Rodolpho and Marco to stay, he is acting, as he is making the decision as the patriarchal member of the Carbone family. He has the choice of whether to accept them or not. He acts out of freewill. The best example Eddie being acted upon is when he calls Immigration about Marco and Rodolpho. At this point in the play, Eddie thinks that he has no other options. He is struggling to control his  feelings for Catherine, which on its own is an example of being acted upon. Although Eddie knows that these incestuous feelings are not acceptable, he cannot help but feel this way. Catherines developing relationship with Rodolpho is clearly testing Eddies endurance. Eddie also feels that Rodolpho is a bad influence on Catherine, as Eddie can no longer control her as he used to. Realistically, this is because Catherine is growing up more than Rodolphos influence. However, Eddie feels that the only solution is to get rid of Rodolpho. By doing this, Eddie hopes that everything will return to its original state, with him being the patriarch. Consequently, Eddie calls Immigration. It can clearly be seen that Eddie is not acting, as eliminating Rodolpho is something that is inevitable if Eddie wishes for things to return to their initial state. Rodolphos appearance in A View From The Bridge is one that is far more feminine and gentle than that of the other characters. He is described as a slim platinum blond with a nice face. His gentle features are considered womanly, and so he is not considered to be masculine. Rodolphos age can be estimated to be in the mid-twenties. This denotes a lack of life experience, another indicator towards femininity rather than masculinity. Miller has constructed Rodolpho as a much less masculine character than Eddie so as to juxtapose the two characters. Unlike Eddie, Rodolpho is a more rational character. He is more cautious in what he says. Due to this discretion, Rodolphos speech is very limited in A View From The Bridge. However, his rational behaviour does not stop Rodolpho from being more acted upon than acted. Even though Rodolpho tries to refrain from causing too much of a disturbance in America, he is visibly maddening Eddie by showing affection towards Catherine. However, Rodolpho cannot control his feelings. He stands up for his right to have a relationship with Catherine and, regardless of what Eddie does or says, Rodolpho still has these feelings for Catherine. Rodolpho does not choose to be attracted to Catherine, it simply happened. The concept that Catherine and Rodolpho both care for each other is not a matter of choice or freewill, it is clearly determinism. For this reason, Rodolpho is more acted upon than acting in A View From The Bridge. Marco is described in A View From The Bridge as a thirty-two year old square built peasant. His square build implies strength and an intimidating physique, which evokes an air of masculinity. His age puts him between Eddie and Rodolpho. Throughout the play, Marco is played as quiet, yet thoughtful. His dialogue is minimal, until the final sequence where the conflict between him and Eddie erupts. Although his dialogue is entirely different to that of Eddie, the pair are both seen as masculine characters. This is because Marco is confident with himself, and does not feel it is necessary to talk or dominate the conversation. In doing so, his confidence shines through as being masculine. Again, Marco is a character that appears, in most cases, to be more acted upon than acting. Marcos strong and silent persona allows him to understand and recognise elements in the characters more so than Eddie and Rodolpho. He sees Eddies challenging nature towards Rodolpho and challenges Eddie back. In this sense, Marcos actions are acted. He understands what is happening and uses his own freewill to make a decision of what to do. However, the final sequences are clearly an indication of how Marco is more acted upon than acting. When Marco spits in Eddies face, it is the culmination of Eddies attitude and actions that cause him to do so. After trusting Eddie, Marco has been proverbially stabbed in the back. However, Marcos reaction was eminent. Eddies ongoing dislike of both Marco and Rodolpho would eventually arrive at a confrontation. Marcos reaction was clearly determinism it was the inevitable result of its preceding states of affairs. In this way, the character of Marco is more acted upon than acting. Similarly, when Marco kills Eddie, it is inevitable. If not for Eddies death, the play would be going nowhere. Eddies sanity is questionable towards the end of A View From The Bridge. If Eddie were to survive the stabbing, there would be no closure for any of the characters. When Eddie pulls the knife out and attempts to stab Marco, it is clear that he is not thinking rationally. Marco then acts in self defence when he stabs Eddie. He knows that one of them will die in the struggle, and sees that his killing of Eddie is the only way he will come out alive. For this reason, Marco acts not out of freewill, but stabs Eddie as there is no other way for the battle to end. Hence, Marco is more  acted upon than acting. However, this attribute is not shared by all of the male characters in A View From The Bridge. The final male character in A View From The Bridge is Alfieri. Alfieri is the oldest of the characters, described as being in his fifties, turning grey and portly. His age implies much life experience, as does his generously proportioned physique. His appearance is also one of a higher class than the rest of the characters. Alfieri speaks with distinction. Unlike Marco and Eddie, who feel the need to express their masculinity, Alfieri is confident in himself, and so needs not demonstrate this through his language. For this reason, Alfieri remains to be a masculine character even though his language is very poetic and eloquent. For example, when consulting Eddie and Marco, he says To promise not to kill, is not dishonourable. As well as showing Alfieris intelligence, the statement gives his words a scale of importance. Alfieris masculinity shines through in his instructing and superior manner. Unlike the rest of the male characters in A View From The Bridge, it is felt that Alfieri is not being acted upon, but is acting. As Alfieri is not directly involved in the convoluted relationships that take place in the apartment, he has the advantage of having a less emotional reaction to the occurrences. Alfieri also has the advantage of being able to think about things rationally before offering an opinion. When attempting to guide Eddie in his turmoil, Alfieri informs him that he can take no legal action. In doing so, Alfieri is acting out of freewill. Nothing is forcing him to tell Eddie this. Theoretically, Alfieri could ignore the legal aspect and tell Eddie to take his chances. Instead, Alfieri offers his own advice, to let her go. Although Alfieris instinct to seek resolution may be seen as more acted upon than acting, his pressure in guiding Eddie to do the right thing, or lack thereof, is freewill, as Alfieri made the choice in not forcing Eddie to stop acting in the manner that he was. For this reason, Alfieri is acting more than he is acted upon. Although each of the male characters in Millers play A View From The Bridge represents a different role and different type of man, each of their actions can be seen as either an act of freewill or an act of determinism. In many  instances, it appears that there is no other way for the incident to occur. At other times, the characters make choices, exercising their freewill. As Eddie, Rodolpho and Marco are all emotionally involved in the relationships in the play; their actions tend to be acts of determinism. All three are trapped in gender roles, not wanting to appear weak. As Alfieri is more of an onlooker in the play, his actions are a result of freewill. Confident with his masculinity, he is able to decide what to do, not be forced into doing something. For this reason, the male characters in A View From The Bridge can be said to be predominantly more acted upon than acting.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Causes Of The Genocide In Bosnia

Causes Of The Genocide In Bosnia In 1980, the president Josip Tito of Yugoslavia died. After the loss of their president, Yugoslavia had political and economic chaos. Slobodan Milosevic became the leader of Serbia in 1987. He was a strong Serb nationalist and encouraged his beliefs in Serbia and in other republics with large Serb communities. The Serbs in Bosnia were not happy feeling like they were now part of Milosevics Greater Serbia. The Yugoslavian Army mostly had Serbs. Radovan Karadzic led Serbs who built their own Republica Srpska in the East, while a Bosnian Serb army was in control of the other  ¾ of the country, driving out most of the Bosnian Croats. Then the European Union tried to help both sides, and failed. The U.N. didnt want to get involved, but helped a little by providing some troop convoys for humanitarian aid. They later decided to help more by providing six safe areas. The Serbs invaded five of the six safe areas and ethnically cleansed them. The Background: Bosnia is one of the several small countries that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War One. Yugoslavia was composed of ethnic and religious groups that had been historical rivals, including the Serbs (Orthodox Christians), Croats (Catholics) and ethnic Albanians (Muslims). During World War Two, Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and was separated. Following Germanys defeat, Tito reunified Yugoslavia by merging many countries. Tito, a Communist, was a strong leader who maintained ties with the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, playing one superpower against the other while obtaining financial assistance and other aid from both. After his death in 1980 and without his strong leadership, Yugoslavia quickly plunged into political and economic chaos. Organizers: In the late 1980s, a new leader by the name of Slobodan Milosevic came to power in Yugoslavia. He used religious hatred to control the people by sparking old tensions between the Serbians and Muslims. He took advantage of complaints from the Orthodox Catholic Serbs by taking control of the country Kosovo, where the Serbs were the minority. Milosevic then turned his focus to Croatia, a country with 12 percent Serbs. With the assistance of Serbian guerrillas, Milosevic invaded the small country under the pretenses of protecting the Serbs. Milosevics motives for this genocide were strongly based on retaliation. Many Serbian citizens had been subject to genocide during World War Two and they finally had a chance to get even with their enemies. After 13 years at power, the Yugoslavian nations revolted and a national strike followed. Milosevic was tried on the following counts in 2002: genocide; complicity in genocide; deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; inhumane acts/forcible transfer; extermination; imprisonment; torture; willful killing; unlawful confinement; willfully causing great suffering; unlawful deportation or transfer; extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; cruel treatment; plunder of public or private property; attacks on civilians; destruction or willful damage done to historic monuments and institutions dedicated to education or religion; unlawful attacks on civilian objects. Mi losevic died on March 11, 2006, at the U.N. war crimes tribunal detention center. Victims: In the Bosnian genocide, hundreds of thousands of people were victimized. About 80% of these people were Bosnian Muslims. After The Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia declared its independence, Bosnian Serbs along with the Yugoslav army attacked the Bosnian and Croatian civilians. Between 1992 and 1995, Serbia decided to ethnically cleanse the Bosnian land by removing all Bosnian Muslims systematically. Many were forced into concentration camps. The Muslims were tortured, starved, and eventually murdered. Over the war, about one million Bosnian Muslims were forced out of their homes. In 1993, the Security Council in the United Nation had Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Goradze, and other Muslim territories in safe areas that were protected by United Nation peacekeepers. At a safe area in Srebrenica, Serbs held a very large massacre. Many of the Muslims escaped the fighting by running away. The men that were able to fight were kept behind and killed. The elderly, women, and children were taken to a Muslim controlled territory on busses. Once the massacre ended, the bodies were moved by bulldozers by the Serbs in attempts to conceal the evidence. World Response: As a result, U.S. President George Bush chose not to get involved militarily, instead recognizing the independence of Slovenia and Croatia. In April 1992, the U.S. and European community recognized Bosnias independence. Even though media showed the secret camps, mass killings, and destruction of historic architecture in Bosnia, the world community remained mostly indifferent. The United Nations finally responded by imposing economic sanctions on Serbia and the U.N. also deployed its troops to protect the distribution of food and medicine to dispossessed Muslims, however, the U.N. strictly told troops not to interfere with military against the Serbs. Through 1993, the U.S. and European Community still hadnt taken any military action until August 30, 1995. On this day, The U.S. led a massive NATO bombing campaign in response to the killings. Aftermath: Top of Form Peace negotiations were held in Dayton, Ohio, and an agreement was signed in December 1995. Bosnia is now divided into a Croat-Muslim Federation and Republika Srpska. A NATO peace-keeping Implementation Force of 60,000 was deployed; it was later replaced by a NATO Stabilization Force. The war in Bosnia led deaths of tens of thousands men and boys that left the country without enough workers to keep their economy stable. Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims who make up the Federation of Croats and Muslins are not getting along because of their political and economic differences. There is a rotating presidency of a Bosnian Croat, Bosnian Serb, and a Bosnian Muslim every three years that many experts consider to be dangerous. The ethnic differences between Muslims, Croats, and Serbs are still keeping the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina from being one, because they all want more governmental control over the other. The effects of the Bosnian Genocide still float in the background for this troubled country. Because there is still ethnic disturbance in Bosnia, there is fear that genocide could occur once more in the torn country. By now, over 200,000 Muslim civilians have been systematically murdered. More than 20,000 are missing and feared dead, while 2,000,000 have become refugees.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Why Do Gamers Buy the Video Games They Buy? Essay -- Video Game Sales

Video games might have started out as a very small market. But today, this market has grown even bigger than the movie or music industry. Each year, millions and millions games fly off store shelves. Grand Theft Auto V broke sales records of the fastest selling entertainment property ever. While this game and others such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Assassin’s Creed sell millions of copies every year, other games don’t sell so well and just sit in store shelves. So, why do gamers rush out to stores to buy some games and pass by others? The answer is not so simple as â€Å"good games sell and bad games don’t.† If this were the case, then a game like Persona 4, a critically acclaimed game, would have sold millions of units. While Call of Duty that gets mixed reviews from its fans each year, sells millions of units each year. There are many factors that go into the buying decisions of a gamer. Advertising, gaming reviews, and trends/popularity(how well k nown a game is and trends by popular people) all affect the buying decisions of gamers. Advertising is a main factor in determining whether a game sells or not, as it determines if gamers know if the game exists or not, as well as piquing consumer interest in a game to go buy it. You can make a great game that receives glorious review from all the critics, but still not have it sell. If no one knows about your game, it won’t sell. This is just the basic surface of what advertising is for. Now that consumers know about the product, how does the advertisement encourage them to buy it? An academic study by Hermann Ebbinghaus, one of the first men to study how the human brain works, ran a test to see what parts of advertisements people remember best. His findings have shown how adver... Guardian News and Media, 10 Feb. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. flappy-bird-ebay-app-store>. LIU, HUA-JUNG, and YIH-CHEARNG SHIUE. "INFLUENCE OF FACEBOOK GAME PLAYERS' BEHAVIOR ON FLOW AND PURCHASE INTENTION. ." Social Behavior & Personality 42.1 (2012): 125-133. Umass Lowell Online Databases. Web. 24 Apr 2014. Micheal, Pacther. "How Much Do the Programmers Make?." . Game Trailers, 10 May 2014. Web. 10 May 2014. . Pewdiepie, . FLAPPY BIRD - DONT PLAY THIS GAME! . 2014. Video. YoutubeWeb. 24 Apr 2014. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Recording, analysing and using HR information Essay

It is beneficial for a business to collect a variety of data to gain an understating of its performance to satisfy compliance legislation. However the information collected needs to be useful, relevant and selective. Raw data collected can be converted into useful information. It is important for human resources (HR) to collect data to meet legal requirements, keep necessary contact details of employees, records all contractual arrangements and to provide supporting information in the event of a claim that may be made against an organisation. It also supports an organisation when making decisions. Data can be collected in two different types of formats within an organisation. These are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative is data collected numerically which allows for data to be measured and calculated. Quantitative is a descriptive method of collecting data. This type of data can be observed but not measured. These two different types of data support HR practices in a number of different ways, such as, showing patterns of absence relating to employees, highlighting any learning and development requirements that an individual may require, trends’ in staff turnover and key performance indicators. Customer feedback can also be obtained to allow a business to improve it services and costs can also be easily monitored. HR data can be stored by a number of different methods each having advantages and disadvantages. Data can be stored electronically and non-electronically. Storing data electronically can be beneficial as it is easy to access, can be shared easily and takes up less space. Online HR systems are available to employees where data and information can be added and updated by an individual and also can be accessed by one or more people such as line managers. This is useful for appraisals and monitoring performance. Storing data electronically through databases is also more secure than manual documents. Sorting data manually such as diaries, word processing documents and paper based surveys also has its benefits as it can be more cost effective to a business and cannot be easily lost where electronic data could be. Also employees require less training to store and organise manual data. There is an array of different UK legislations currently enforced relating to data and legislation is in place to enforce correct storing, recording and accessibility of data. One of these UK legislations are The Data Protection Act, The information commissioner has produced a code of conduct relating to the data protection act. This applies to personal data held and the legitimate grounds for this being held, which information is classed as sensitive and cannot be gathered without explicit permission. Another type of current UK legislation is the Human Rights act. This confers the right of respect of privacy on individuals and provides for employees in the public sector to take legal actions against their employer of they consider their rights infringed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Social Media Advocacy How to Develop a Successful Program For Your Brand

Social Media Advocacy How to Develop a Successful Program For Your Brand Social media employee advocacy. It’s a buzzword that has been floating around marketing teams for the past couple of years. While these types programs can be dramatically effective for a plethora of different reasons, including†¦ Brand awareness Sales connections Building company trust teams are still hesitant to adapt them  because†¦ There is risk of posting inappropriate content They are afraid the team won’t want to participate They already have enough work on their plate Whether you’ve started a program with your team and it’s turned into a chaotic mess, or you’re simply not sure how to start, you’ll learn about the resources and tools you need to turn your own employees into your biggest brand advocates. How To Develop A Successful Social Media Advocacy Program That Will Increase Brand AwarenessFirst Things First: Get Your Free Social Media Employee Advocacy Startup Package Before we start, make sure you download our Social Media Employee Advocacy Startup Package. When you download it, you’ll get: An pre-set email template to help you ask your co-workers to join the program A PowerPoint deck to help introduce and train your new employee advocates A brainstorming worksheet that advocates can use to determine their online voice A worksheet that your employees can use to remind themselves of when they need to send social messages That’s right, we did all the work for you. You’re welcome. What Is Social Media Employee Advocacy? A social media employee advocacy program allows you to use your employee’s vast social networks to help promote your company or brand. These employees are called "social employees" or "employee advocates." There are a lot of definitions of social employees, but the definition  that captures it best is from The Social Employee  by Mark and Cheryl Burgess: â€Å"Social Employees can utilize social media tools to act as authentic brand ambassadors in order to cultivate unique relationships with individuals where the end goal isn’t simply a purchase action but a dynamic exchange of ideas.† It’s a long definition, I know. But, the definition above captures both what a social employee is, and their purpose within your organization. It’s also important to note before we continue that when we refer to social media employee advocacy platforms, we’re talking about Twitter and LinkedIn. Let’s continue, shall we? What is social media employee advocacy (and is it right for your brand)?10 Steps To Starting Your Own Employee Advocacy Program Now that you know what an employee advocacy program is we’re going to move on to how to start your own program. The following steps will walk you through how to convince your team to join you, and the process you need to follow in order to get your program off on the right foot. Step 1: Identify Strong Candidates for Your Employee Advocacy Program Whether you’ve started your program and it flopped, or you’re just trying to get your feet off the ground, having the right people on your team is crucial to the initial success of your program. Therefore, check off the following before you  start: Pick a group of 10 people who you think would be good initial adopters of the program Narrow that list down to five Send the introductory email to those five people Depending on the size of your organization, the number of your initial adoptors may vary. We would recommend starting off with five, and growing the program from there. Five may seem like a small number, but there’s a lot of work that goes into setting up this program. Start small, you can always grow. Not to mention, you could run into a too many cooks in the kitchen type of problem. Don’t create that problem for yourself, trust me on this one. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What qualities should I be looking for the initial adopters of my employee advocacy social media program? A potential employee advocate should check off at least three of the following: Eager to learn Social media savvy Passionate about their job Great writing skills Has a wide knowledge base about the company Is already active on LinkedIn, Twitter, or both Is actually excited about the program and the potential it can bring to their department These are just a few of the qualities you will want to look for in your new social media employee advocacy program participants. Remember, you want to narrow it down to the best of the best so your program has a great jumping off point. A quick warning before you start your list. Do not, under any circumstances, force an employee to be a part of your employee advocacy program. No one likes being forced to do anything. It's like forcing a 4 year old to eat anything that's green. It's not gonna happen. If you force your employees to become your brand advocates, your program becomes in-genuine, and your potential consumers will see that coming from a mile away. So how do you approach your employees so that’ll they come and hear you out? Grab your free email template that complements  this post to customize and send to potential employee advocates. Feel free to personalize it to each person you’re sending it too. It may take a bit more time, but the personal touch really helps. Or you could just copy and paste the email from the social media employee advocacy kit. To Do: Make a list ten employees who you believe would be a good fit for your program Narrow the list down to five Send initial introduction email (Grab it from the kit that complements this post) Step 2: Introduce The Employee Advocacy Program To Your Team Why do you need to introduce the program to your employees? Well, first of all, you need to ask them if they want to participate.  Check out that email template from above to help get your started. Secondly, think about their schedule. They’re probably already swamped with a giant list of things to do. Imagine if your boss came to you and said, "Hey, I need you to spend about 3 hours a week tweeting about our company." You’d probably say no. Who wants extra work? No one. Being an employee advocate is not an easy task. It’s one that requires dedication and time. Most importantly, it’s a task that needs to be taken on voluntarily. So how do you convince your employees to take on extra work? Incentivize it. How do you convince your employees to take on extra work? Incentive it.I'm gonna get personal here for a second. When someone puts a competitive twist on things I’m immediately hooked. I have to win. I want to come out on top. Obviously, I'm pretty competitive person. Maybe your employees are the same way, and if so you can capitalize on that. Whether it’s a bonus, fun retreats, or even company swag, having a way for your employees to get rewarded will help them be more open to the possibility of participating in the program. So you've got everyone in the room. Now what? A presentation, maybe? You don't have time to create that. Don’t worry, we did that for you. Download it here. To Do: Download the PowerPoint slide deck from the social media employee advocacy starter kit Brainstorm ways to incentivize your employee advocacy program Get clearance from upper management for those incentives Schedule a meeting with your select five employees to go through presentation Step 3: Determine The Voice Of The Employees Who Will Be Participating In The Program If your employee advocates sound like a corporate robot, that’s what your consumer/customer fan base is going to think of them as. That’s not a good thing. Your employees need to bring their unique voice and perspective in order to breathe fresh life into your content. So how do you do this? Bring your employees to the  table. Schedule a short meeting, 15 minutes maximum to brainstorm and finalize an employee voice. You could even just swing by their desk when they have a minute or two to spare. Remember you want these meetings to be effortless and easy. The less this program interferes with their daily schedule the better. Once you’re in your meeting ask the following two questions and have them record their answers on the one-pager that is in the attached kit. What are five personality traits that make you great at your job? What are five personality traits that are not you? Once they have those written down have them pick their top three. Those become the voice of the employee online. An example is below. For a sales manager (let’s call him Bill), his list could look like: Confident but not arrogant Silly but not unprofessional Informative but not pushy Here's how to help your team develop their social media voice:Still stuck? Let me use myself as an example. I created my professional Twitter profile during my senior year of college because I wanted my potential new employers to know that: I was knowledgeable about social media and knew how to use it. I wanted to stand out among other applicants and find additional ways to showcase my personality. So when it came to creating my voice I had to answer the following three questions: Who am I and what is my personality like? Am I passive in my opinions or unafraid to state them clearly? If a potential employer or professional took thirty seconds to look at my profile what would they think about me? Have your employees try and think along the same mindset. Remember, don’t give them the answers. This is all about them. Have them fill out the worksheet in the kit that complements this blog post, and attach it to a desk, cubicle wall, or wherever they will see it often. This will act as a gentle reminder in case they get stuck on what to post. To Do: Print out voice brainstorming worksheet from kit Schedule a short meeting with participating employees or drop by there desk Brainstorm what their voice will be Finalize voice structure and record on worksheet Step 4: Create A Username  Convention When most companies start their social media employee advocacy program, they’ll usually identify their employees with a naming convention. Usually this means incorporating the company name into the Twitter handle somehow. It is important to note that once you pick a naming convention,  you stick with it. Once you pick a company-wide social media naming convention, stick with it.For example, our friends at Onsharp, a digital marketing and website development company in our home state of North Dakota, has an active social employee program. The handles for each of their employees is @Onsharpname. They cover a wide variety of topics, and are also able to show off their company culture. This not only helps increase their overall credibility,  but if you have a potential employee looking into the company, they have a chance to see genuine interactions that happen within the team. But it’s not just small businesses using username conventions. Discovery  Benefits is making a huge mark on the insurance industry. We recently interviewed their marketing manager,  Abby Boggs-Johnson,  for our Actionable  Marketing Podcast. In it,  Abby mentions how her sales team has started a series of social media employee advocacy profiles that are helping them connect to their customer base. By creating these unique connections between the sales team and their customers, Discovery Benefits is able to showcase genuine interactions which can allow people to build trust  in the company. Like Onsharp, Discovery Benefits has a naming convention @DBIname. It would be easy to say, â€Å"Well, these are smaller companies.†Ã‚  What about big Fortune 500s? Have they tried a social media employee advocacy program? Actually, some Fortune 500s were a few of the earliest adopters. One of them was Adobe. Adobe’s program still exists but unlike Discovery Benefits and Onsharp, Adobe doesn’t have a naming convention. Most of their employees have the @Adobe programming they work for listed in their handle. Why would Adobe forgo a naming convention? The company is huge,  and because there are so many different official Adobe product accounts, it would be impossible to keep one single convention among  all the different products. So if you’re a smaller company with one main Twitter account,  you should have a naming convention.  But if you’re marketing for a major corporation with multiple official Twitter accounts,  use your bio to identify which major company profile you are associated with. But Breonna, how do I create my naming convention? Don’t worry, I have you covered. Here's how to create a naming convention for your social media employee advocacy program:Below is a list of ten naming conventions. Pick one that you think will work best for your company. Some names will be too long. Remember, Twitter has a character limit for it’s usernames, so don’t be afraid if you have to use initials or abbreviations. @CompanyName @Company_Name @CompanyAcroynmName @CompanyInitialsName @Name_CompanyName @NameCompanyName @NameAtCompany @NameFromCompany @NameFrom_Company Company handle in bio To Do: Go through naming convention list Choose a convention and make sure it fits under Twitter’s 15 character handles Step 5: Create Consistent  Profile and Cover Photo Images One of the great ways that you can help distinguish your social media employee advocates is to have a matching profile style image and cover photo. Not only does this help distinguish your actual social employees online, it gives it a nice, clean, polished and professional look to your social accounts. Profile images should be: Headshot style- shoulders and above Contain the same background Any editing style applied to the headshot photo should be the same throughout Here are a couple examples from our team. This is Chris St. Amant, UI/UX Desginer: And Tyler Brazier, Software Engineer: Like the profile images, cover photos should be: Clean and informative Inviting The same throughout all profiles They should look like this: Or this: Everything is clean and consistent. Just the way we like it. It’s important to note that once the standard is set for the profiles, it needs to be followed throughout every single one of them. Why is this consistency  important? It helps users and your customers find your profiles. It also acts as a minor defense system against people who may try to impersonate the account. Once you’ve got your headshots and cover images created,  you can move on to account set up. To Do: Meet with graphic designer and document headshot and cover photo requirements Schedule time for employees to have headshots taken Review headshots and cover photos for final approval Step 6: Set Up Your Social Accounts Now that you’ve got your team on board and their voice has been determined, you’re ready for the fun part. Setting up your profiles. Whether your team is working with Twitter, LinkedIn or both, how you set up the accounts is incredibly important. For some people, this will be the first interaction they ever have with one of your employees. You want your bios to be short and sweet, as well as original. Everyone talks about how they love coffee and traveling. Challenge your employee advocates to think outside the box with another brainstorm session. Have them write down or think about the following: What does their online voice sound like? How can their bio reflect that? They may love coffee and traveling but what is something unique about them? What position do they hold within the company? Do they have a hobby, favorite book series etc, that they will sometimes tweet about? Have them think about some of these questions so they can incorporate them to make a unique bio for their profiles. For example, my professional Twitter bio looks like this: In it, I talk about my field of experience, my passion for theatre, my current position, my alma mater and for good measure I throw in a bit about my Harry Potter obsession. This simple bio does a few things: It establishes my area of expertise and the repertoire I tweet about. It adds personality. Not only do you know that I’m a Content Writer for , you also know that I love theatre and Harry Potter, among other things. This can help establish a connection to a potential client or customer. It makes me approachable. You know,  without a doubt, there is a real human behind that profile. This can make approaching me with a question about our product easier than approaching a company account. Some of you may have noticed there’s something missing in my bio. Can you see it yet? I don’t have a disclaimer in my online bio. Many people will tell you that your professional social accounts need a disclaimer that runs something along the lines of: Opinions are my own Retweet does not = endorsement Many people will add these disclaimers to their social bios in order to protect themselves and the company they work for. It seemed like a simple solution that would protect the employee in case they tweeted something that their employer disagreed with. It’s also thought that adding this disclaimer would protect the employer from public backlash if an employee tweeted something inappropriate. I’m sorry to say that these phrases will rarely protect either the employee or their employer  from backlash if something inappropriate is posted on social media. What can protect me, you might be thinking to yourself? Honestly, nothing but solid common sense. And on that happy note, we’ll continue into step 7. To Do: Brainstorm traits for your employee bios Edit and finalize bios. Add to social profile Step 7: Determine Your Posting Rules If I had to tell you to take away one vitally important piece of information away from this blog  post,  it would be that if you decide to develop your own social media employee advocacy program, determine your posting rules before you start. It may seem like a nonsense task. Why would I have the team take time to write everything down? Because, while great, social media can turn on you within seconds if you or a team member sends the wrong tweet  or message. It doesn’t take much to remember some of the biggest blunders that a company has made on social media. United, Cracker Barrel,  or Pepsi  ringing a bell at all? The internet can be a merciless place, and will never forget anything you posted. Yes, even if you delete it. Social media can turn on you in seconds if you send the wrong tweet or message.Having established rules in place can help you avoid those costly mishaps and give you the peace of mind that content being sent by your team is appropriate, timely and most importantly, connects with your customer base in ways your normal advertising won’t. With that in mind here is an example list of posting do’s that your team can start with and expand on: Post about company milestones Post/Retweet great reviews from other customers Have a blog? Have your employees tweet links back to new content Hosting an event? Have your advocates help promote it? The same goes when you’re attending an event or conference. Make your presence known by tweeting about it If you have fun office traditions, like our #BratwurstBlowout, tweet about it to show off your culture Hiring? Having your advocates post about new positions is a great way to help recruit people to your team Launching a new product or have some big news coming out? Extend the reach of your launch by having employees tweet to If your company is industry specific, have employees share new news or industry trends This is just a starting list. As your program continues to grow, your list will change and grow as your employees find their niche.